(To read my cancer story from the beginning start here – April / May 2018 – You Have Cancer)

It’s Not Me You Want to Thank

If you have read my previous posts you will know I’d had 3 operations that week and was now back on the ward.

With my trachy out I was able to speak again and the next time my consultant/surgeon Mr Walton came round I thanked him and his team for all they had done for me – He then looked me in the eyes and said “It’s not me you want to thank”

He never said anymore but I got the impression he thought I was really lucky that the flap had been successful.

I was feeling more comfortable now, the elastics on my teeth were still bloody annoying and I was still only having my fortisips through my PEG and little tubs of ice cream or custard.

I decided to have a good look in the mirror for the 1st time, I was still very swollen and scarred, especially my lip
(this photo was taken about a week or two later)
Head and Neck Cancer - Cancer of Jaw Photos

I also decided to start reading again, but as my mum hadn’t bought my Famous Five books in yet I carried on with Caught by Harlan Coben.

It was still tricky reading as I still couldn’t concentrate properly but persisted until I got to the chapter about Christa Stockwell

Christa Stockwell we learn is the skeleton in the cupboard of Dan and his friends. years previously there had been an accident cased by Dan, and Christa Stockwell was referred to as Scarface, Harlan Coben goes on to describe quite graphically her facial scarring and how Dan had caused it.

Lying there reading it after my 3 Head and Neck operations and with my stitches still in, it was the final straw, I couldn’t read any more of Caught and put it in the bottom of my bag (eventually finished it about 6 months later after I was back home).

Fortunately, that evening my mum and Elizabeth visited me and had bought my Famous Five books in, my bit of advice for anybody spending time in hospital, take in some childhood books, they were brilliant.

It was like reliving my childhood, waiting for adventures, ginger beer, fruit cake and freshly made sandwiches from ruddy faced shopkeepers 🙂

I spent more time having little exercises walking around the ward, but my leg was still all bandaged up, I still had metal studs and stitches in face, leg and belly and still had those damned elastics.

Continues here – Time to try solid foods

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